Orthofan’s contribution in Dr Giuseppe Perinetti’s publication

Orthofan’s contribution in Dr Giuseppe Perinetti’s publication

28 July 2019 A further piece of evidence in favor of the MPM Method just released. Acknowledgments The author wishes to express his gratitude to Mrs. Gabriela Poede for the invaluable clinical assistance both in treating and in recording the cases herein reported. Acknowledgments also go to Alex Bruno and Paolo Tonini (Ortotec, Tricesimo, […]

AIOI Italy, a new venture present in 39 countries worldwide

AIOI Italy, a new venture present in 39 countries worldwide

It is with great pleasure that I inform you of the birth of AIOI Italia, Academia Internacional de Odontologia Integral, already present in 39 countries worldwide and already active with more than 64 centres. At the hands of President Dr. Regina Queiroz, on Monday 11 January, together with Dr. Giuseppe Caponi, Odt. Fabio Fantozzi and […]

With the Abruzzo Region to grow

With the Abruzzo Region to grow

2 May 2019 Orthofan s.r.l. has been a beneficiary of the measure POR FESR ABRUZZO 2014 – 2020 measure 3.2.1 “Interventions to support territorial areas affected by widespread crises of productive activities, aimed at mitigating the effects of industrial transitions on individuals and enterprises.Complex crisis area Vibrata – Tronto – Piceno recognised by the MISE […]

There are aligners and aligners….

There are aligners and aligners….

Do you know how many Orthodontic Labs and companies produce aligners in the world today? Hundreds and hundreds. Are all final products the same? My answer is no! There is a summation of errors that does not allow a final product of excellence. The first mistake starts with the impression. Did you know that a […]

Orthofan with its solutions for prosthetic dentists in need of space: pre-prosthetic devices

Orthofan with its solutions for prosthetic dentists in need of space: pre-prosthetic devices

Frequently, dentists dealing with prosthetics are confronted with situations where the movement of posterior elements closes spaces of elements previously lost for natural reasons or for clinical needs. The passage of years in these situations can create a twofold problem: extrusion of the opposing tooth; mesialisation of the teeth immediately distal to the one lost. […]

Sports mouthguards: the exclusive Orthofan Orthodontic Lab production

Sports mouthguards: the exclusive Orthofan Orthodontic Lab production

Orthofan is one of Italy’s leading labs in the production of individual mouthguards custom-made from dental impressions taken by one’s own dentist. Our mouthguards are characterised by a special study of materials and the requirements of the various sports disciplines. This leads us to produce completely individual mouthguards, completely different from those produced by most […]

Simplified 2D lingual system for the recovery of orthodontic recurrences

Simplified 2D lingual system for the recovery of orthodontic recurrences

Frequently, patients treated with fixed multibracket orthodontics do not wear the prescribed retainers correctly. Recurrences are the greatest demoralisation for the patient who can no longer see his teeth aligned and for the orthodontist who, having not been followed in his instructions, must necessarily repair the damage of the re-proposed update. Among the many ways, […]

As of today, Orthofan is producing new customisations.

As of today, Orthofan is producing new customisations.

As of today, Orthofan has a new customisation system for orthodontic appliances to satisfy young patients, their parents and their dentists. The innovative method involves internal customisation of the devices, fully CE-compliant with hundreds of images available from a specific library. All information on the subject can be obtained from Orthofan by calling 0861.917421. An […]

OdontoApneia: an interesting device for patients suffering from sleep apnoea and snoring

OdontoApneia: an interesting device for patients suffering from sleep apnoea and snoring

The OdontoApneia, is a state-of-the-art device for patients suffering from sleep apnoea and snoring. The characteristic of this device is that in addition to having no posterior contacts -cause of tooth intrusion in some conditions-, it has an anterior system capable of allowing the patient a minimum of laterality and opening. For example, in the […]

TheraMon microchip: from now on, control of the time the device is kept in the mouth by uncooperative children

TheraMon microchip: from now on, control of the time the device is kept in the mouth by uncooperative children

The TheraMon is a state-of-the-art system, consisting of a microchip that the lab inserts into the removable device and activates before delivery to the clinician, and a reader, capable of reading the data on the chip via a computer. The orthodontist, during his patient’s check-ups, has the reader analyse the data recorded in the microchip […]